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Hi, I have noticed, only in the last week that my upper front tooth is
slightly loose. There is some sensitivity there, but I put that down to the fact
that the gum areas between my front teeth has been a little sore/broken from brushing too
hard/flossing. Is this normal ? Will it remain loose, or is there a chance I'm losing it ?
I read your article on Periodontitis, and while I can relate to some of the symptoms, it
has not been mentioned in previous checkups. It's only been six months or so since I had a
thorough checkup in the US, and everything was fine, no fillings, no cavities, just a
little upper gum receding, which my dentist told me I needed to floss more. Thank you for visiting our web site and for your question. Periodontal disease (bone loss around a tooth) is the most common reason for mobility in teeth. Many additional factors play a role (ie- history of trauma to a tooth, the length of the root...), but it is certainly a good idea to have it checked out by a dentist. Many times, you can improve the stability of a tooth by making sure you clean your teeth well. When the gums get inflamed, the ligament around a tooth may also get inflamed, creating the feeling of looseness. I hope this helps. |
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