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I have a question about the use of Coral as a bone replacement. I
am looking for a dentist or researcher who can answer my question about the use of sea
coral for bone replacement. I had a tooth pulled and want an implant. They say because of
perodontal disease I do not have enough bone and they have to inject a cement into my
nasal cavity for the post to screw into. I was wondering if there has been any dentists or
researchers who might have experimented with sea coral as a bone replacement system. I
would like to see if they can insert that material in the area where the extracted the
tooth from so they do not have to drill into my nasal cavity and inject cement in that
takes 6-8 months to cure. Please email me back with any information you might know of.
Thank you in advance for your time. Though I am not familiar with coral being used as a matrix for jaw bone grafting, you may be able to learn more about it by contacting local dental research facilities such as dental school programs. However, there are a number of other options for jaw bone regeneration which periodontists and oral surgeons use on a regular basis prior to placing implants. These include synthetic materials, freeze dried bone, and even bone chips taken from your own body (ie- from your hip). Unfortunately, all of these bone grafting procedures take months of healing time, so if you decide to proceed, you may need to wait a while before completing your dental treatment. Good luck! |
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